How much money can I make with a Credit Repair Business?
You, and not CRC, will have sole responsibility to review your marketing and collection efforts relating to the services you provide. Also, you, and not CRC, must confirm that your marketing and receipt of fees are compliant with applicable state and federal laws.
Legal Disclaimer: There are many ways to bill for credit repair. We do not recommend any specific billing method. The Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) prohibits telemarketing credit repair companies from charging fees before 6 months after services are completed. However, if you DON'T telemarket, you may be able to charge typical fees, as allowed by law. For more on the TSR, visit FTC’s guide. Credit Repair Cloud’s statements are not legal advice—please consult a legal professional for compliance. All customers must comply with the TSR and relevant laws to use our software. For more information, regarding the TSR you can visit the FTC’s website:
Credit Repair Cloud requires that all customers comply with the TSR and any other applicable laws and regulations to continue using its software.
Repair your credit. Be your own boss. Change lives.